H o m e


    This page describes how the website is set out . It gives a brief description of the contents to be expected in the sections jumped to from the tabs on the left.

    HomePage – This page is the welcome to the site will contain the latest news & updates ( Events, Cup Competitions, Tournaments, TTE News..).

    Sitemap – This page will show you the layout of this site and what is in each page.

    Tables – This page will show you all the Portsmouth league tables for this season, this will be updated every week dependent on Divisional Secs.

    Fixtures – This page will have a list of the fixtures by Division.

    Results – This will have a summary of all the League Results during the season, this will be updated every week dependent on Divisional Secs.

    Averages – This will have the averages for every player in the league. This will be updated at least twice per season but dependent on the Divisional Secs.

    Coaching – This page will contain details on coaching sessions and other matters around the Portsmouth Coaching scene.

    Gallery – This page will contain photos from Portsmouth Events.

    Contacts – This page will contain useful names and numbers of the League Committee.

    Clubs – This will have contacts details of the clubs playing in the Portsmouth TT League.

    Handbook – This will contain the handbook of the Portsmouth Association ( Fixtures, Rules, Cup details, Last season summary ) and links to the Laws of Table Tennis

    Forms – This will provide downloadable forms for the Portsmouth Association

    Archive – The archives will contain historical data

    Feedback – This page will present details of the E-mail address to send comments on the Website.

    Links – This will contain useful links to other Table Tennis Websites.

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